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YUSNIZA, yussy, yus, iza .
18, 210691, Gemini
SP, Human Resource Management with Psychology
Modern Dancer, SDZ
Brown, Chocolates w/o nuts, White roses, Jellybeans, Marshmallows (:

Do TAG, love you! (:
/Sunday, January 9, 2011
HandWritten on; 8:00 PM

My body has adjusted itself to waking up early. It's freaking irritating, especially on a Sunday morning, when it's my only day to catch up on enough sleep to last me for the upcoming week. This morning, I woke up at 9am. Tell me, which idiot wakes up at 9am on Sunday morning without any plans on that day? -.-

Waves is 3 weeks away. Awesome, not.

Tomorrow is Monday. Let's start the countdown again shall we? 5 days to go before the weekend. *counting*
/Friday, December 31, 2010
HandWritten on; 11:21 PM

Half an hour left to 2011.

On the way home, I reflected a lot of the things that happened to me in 2010. It had been a very tough year, no doubt. But every single incident made me who I am now. I'm proud to say that I'm stronger and more matured than before. I learnt from the past and mistakes. I moved on. I forgave and never forget.

I'm really thankful to the people who appeared in my life, to those who stayed on, to those who have always been there for me all the time. You know who you are (:

2011 is gonna be tougher, with my future at stake. Huge decisions to be made, which determines my future. It's time to grow up, and be out of my comfort zone. And right, I'm gonna hit the final two-oh. I swear I'm freaking scared and not prepared to face it all. Nevertheless, all I know is I am able to get support from the loved ones. That's all that matters.

My 2011 resolution?

I want to be wiser in my decisions, especially if it involves my future. I want to be stronger when facing setbacks. I want to be more open and daring.

I forgot how it was like to be loved again. But it doesn't matter. I already have my loved ones.

/Wednesday, December 29, 2010
HandWritten on; 6:57 PM

I'm on MC today, cause yesterday's flu after-effect was so bad this morning, I can barely stand still. Flu's gone now, and so is all the groggy-ness. I hate how my flu can suddenly come and go. Even the doctor told me that my flu was gone and I shouldn't have come for consultation. Thank god I was still feeling groggy, so I didn't say anything back at her. I swear, if I can just blast at her, I would. I waited 2 hours and paid for the MC and medicine, and she freaking told me that. Not my fault that my immune system decided to get better before meeting her right.

Seriously, I won't ever go there again. Bad service, and patients are treated like dogs.

I slept for 6 hours, and I'm confident that I won't be able to sleep tonight -.- I guess the lack of rest is making me like this. Work, with dance ending at 9. 1 more month to survive, I can do this.

Today is already the 29th (Happy Birthday MAKCIK!). Few more days to 2011. How fast is that? A few more months to graduation, damn!
/Friday, December 24, 2010
HandWritten on; 11:03 PM

Christmas eve was spent with a loved one. I swear, we looked like lesbian couple. HAHA. It's awesome to be able to soak in the Christmas spirit and listen to Christmas carols along Esplanade, watching the lights. Though I don't celebrate Christmas, I just love the festive feeling.

I've been spending my Friday nights out. I guess, that's the only way for me to de-stress, apart from dance. Work have been giving me a lot of pressure lately and I have to be on my toes all the time. I want to elaborate more, but, I just realised my blog is not private. Damn.

My initial plan is to go KL with family. But I'm too tired and lazy to pack and go out. I guess staying home and watching TV will be enough for me. Or perhaps some shopping? (:

Oh well, Merry Christmas to all, and Happy Holidays! Enjoy the long weekend! There's gonna be another long weekend next week! Awesome much!
/Sunday, December 12, 2010
HandWritten on; 1:28 PM

Things hasn't been going well for me. I'm at loss at what to do now. To make matters worse, the stress is making me all sickly and not energetic. I get gastric whenever I eat, and the giddy spells keep coming and going.


Come to think of it, lady luck hasn't been smiling at me for a very very very long time.

What to do?
/Saturday, December 4, 2010
HandWritten on; 1:33 PM

I just deleted a whole long post on my internship. I guess it's not safe to express my thoughts here. Ask me personally if you want to know how my first week went. I have lots to share (:

All I know is, I got to brace myself.
/Sunday, November 28, 2010
HandWritten on; 12:05 AM

It feels mad awesome to be able to attend Ryan's class today. I missed almost 2 months of his training, due to the project meetings and tiredness from endless reports and presentations. Now that school is over (for me!), I'm able to find more time to commit to his trainings on Saturday mornings. My stamina and techniques are getting rusty, damn. And I'm a bit slow in catching the choreo today. And plus, my endless retardness during dance, and everyone laughed. Damn embarassing or what!

Today was really awesome, being able to spend time with all the dance seniors. I felt like a year one again, heh! The celebration went well for the birthday girls, and I'm glad that our hard work in doing those scrapbooks paid off. Sab was so touched, she cried like mad. Gladys, well, she did not want to tear in front of us, so she decided to read when she's at home, so that she can cry privately, HAHA. Cute.

And I realised, this will be one of the last few birthday celebrations with the Senjas. Man. I hate graduation, I hate moving on, I hate growing up.

Tomorrow is the start of ITP (It's Sunday, 12.20am now). I'm feeling the jitters! Best of luck to me!